Ask legal questions and get legal advice about patent applications from a licensed patent practitioner.
While you wait for your design patent application to be reviewed by the US Patent Office, you get legal “patent pending” status.
We are here live, Monday-Friday, by email, phone, or chat. Give us a ring, we’ll be happy to chat with you about the patent process or have a patent practitioner answer any legal questions.
Drawings that meet design patent application requirements, shaded to show your design’s depth and form.
Design patent writing necessary for a design patent application
You will receive an official receipt from the US Patent Office confirming acceptance of your patent application and showing your patent application number.
*$260 govt fee assumes you are classified as "micro entity" by USPTO. If you have filed more than 4 non-provisional patent apps in the past, or have an annual income of greater than $241,830, you may be classified as "small entity" or "large entity" which requires a $520 or $1,300 govt fee
It's the first step before a patent application! First, you learn how patentable your invention may be. If it's not very patentable, don't waste time and money on a patent app. Second, it may help you increase your patentability. By seeing what is similar, you can improve your invention around other existing invention and increase patentability.
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