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A PCT patent application allows you to use the phrase “patent pending” for up to 30 months.
Receive a filing date from the World Intellectual Property Office which sets your patent application date for 157 countries.
Receive an official receipt from the World Intellectual Property Office confirming acceptance of your PCT international patent application.
Our proprietary electronic signature system allows you sign patent application documents from your computer or mobile device.
We are here live, Monday-Friday, by email, phone, or chat. Give us a ring, we’ll be happy to chat with you about the patent process or have a patent practitioner answer any legal questions.
*$1,809 govt fee assumes you are classified as "micro entity" by USPTO. If you have filed more than 4 non-provisional patent apps in the past, or have an annual income of greater than $241,830, you may be classified as "small entity" or "large entity" which requires a $2,297 or $3,761 govt fee
1. File a PCT Patent Application
Two possible ways:
File PCT Application as the first patent application for your invention.
You have not filed any patent application for your invention yet. The PCT application will be the first patent application you file.
File PCT Application within 12 months of an already filed patent application for your invention.
You already filed a patent application for your invention. For example, a US provisional utility patent application or a US nonprovisional utility patent application. You then file a PCT patent application within 12 months of the previously filed patent application.
If you already filed a patent application for your invention more than 12 months ago, contact us for a patent practitioner to review if you are still eligible to file a PCT patent application.
2. PCT Patent Application Extends Your Time to File Patent Applications in 157 Countries
30 Months to File Foreign Applications
The PCT patent application gives you 30 months of time to decide which countries within the 157 countries part of the PCT to file a full patent application in.
18 More Months to File Foreign Applications, 30 Total.
Your previously filed patent application already gives you 12 months from when it was filed to file foreign patent applications. The PCT gives you 18 additional months. So, you have 12 months from the date you filed your previously filed patent application, plus 18 additional months by filing the PCT, so 30 months total, to decide which countries within the 157 countries part of the PCT to file a full patent application in.
3. Decide which of the 157 foreign countries to file a full patent application
Before the PCT 30 months expire, file a patent application in each country you wish to pursue a patent in. Each country eventually needs its own patent. The PCT patent application buys you more time to file a patent in each country you desire. Before that PCT time expires, you must decide which of the 157 PCT member countries to file a patent application in. A fee is paid to file in each country you decide to file in. Each foreign patent application will be reviewed by each respective country to determine if you will be granted a patent.
No, there is no single international patent that gives you patent rights in every country. Every country has their own patent office and to get a patent in every country, you need to apply for a patent in every country. The PCT buys you more time to eventually file a patent in each country you want a patent in. Before the PCT expires, you still must file a patent application in each country you want a patent in and let that foreign patent office decide whether to grant you a patent in that country.
A PCT buys you time to file in foreign countries. This is because once you file a patent application in any country, you need to file a patent application in every country within 12 months. For example, if you file a patent application in the US on Jan 1, 2020, you need to file a patent application in every country by Jan 1, 2021. If you don’t, you may lose the ability to file a patent application in foreign countries afterwards. This is due to worldwide patent treaties which state that foreign patent applications should be filed within 12 months of your first patent application filing in any country. However, filing a patent in every country around the world is expensive. So, you buy more time to file in foreign countries by filing a PCT within 12 months of the first patent application you filed. Then, before the PCT expires, file a patent application in each country you want to pursue a patent. You still need to eventually file a patent in each country, but the PCT buys you more time.
You could just file a patent application in each country and skip the PCT. However, if you need time to decide which countries to file in or need time to raise funds, a PCT buys you more time.
Rule 1: Before you show your invention to the public. Always file a patent application before you show your invention to the public. If you already showed your invention to the public without filing any patent application, contact us to discuss whether a PCT filing is still appropriate for you.
Rule 2: If you have already filed a patent application for your invention, you want to file the PCT within 12 months of when you filed that first patent application. Foreign patent applications, including the PCT, must be filed within 12 months of any patent application filing in any country. If you already filed a patent application and more than 12 months has passed, contact us to discuss whether a PCT filing is still appropriate for you.
If you have already shown your invention to the public, and you already filed a patent application before you showed your invention to the public, you may still file a PCT. You must file the PCT within 12 months of when you filed that previous patent application. Contact us quickly to file a PCT.
If you have already shown your invention to the public, but you have not yet filed a patent application anywhere, a PCT can still be filed but it may not be useful in all 157 countries or the PCT may be completely useless. It depends on how long it has been since you showed your invention to the public. Many countries do not allow you to file a patent application after you have shown your invention to the public. Some countries still allow you to file a patent application, but only within a short period of time after you show your invention to the public. Contact us to discuss whether a PCT filing is still appropriate for you.
Yes, if you have already filed a patent application anywhere, whether in the US or another country, you want to file a PCT within 12 months of when you filed that previous patent application. After that time, a PCT may not be useful in all 157 countries or the PCT may be completely useless. Contact us to discuss whether a PCT filing is still appropriate for you.
The current list of PCT countries (contracting states), can be found here:
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