Utility Patent Application Process

  • Put your Thoughts to Paper
    Put your “Thoughts to Paper”
  • Patent Attorney or Agent
    Review by a Patent Attorney or Agent
  • Patent Search Report
    Request a Patent Search Report
    Optional, additional fee
  • Patent application is prepared and filed. Earn temporary patent pending  status
    Patent application is prepared and filed. Earn temporary “patent pending” status
  • Apply for a full non-provisional patent application in each within 30 months
    If approved by the US Patent Office, earn 20 years of patent rights

File a Non-Provisional Utility Patent Application

Mechanical invention
Mechanical invention
+$400 Govt Fee*
Software or method invention
Software or method invention
+$400 Govt Fee*
Biology, chemistry, electrical circuitry, or other highly technical inventions
Biology, chemistry, electrical circuitry, or other highly technical inventions
+$400 Govt Fee*


  • Apply for 20 years of patent rights

    Apply for 20 years of patent rights

    If your invention is considered novel, nonobvious, and useful by the US Patent Office, you will receive 20 years of patent rights to your invention.

  • Fully prepared patent application

    Fully prepared patent application

    A complete patent application will be drafted including specifications, claims, and drawings.

  • Consultation  with a Licensed Patent Practitioner

    Consultation with a Licensed Patent Practitioner

    Ask legal questions and get legal advice about patent applications from a licensed patent practitioner.

  • Patent Pending Status

    “Patent Pending” Status

    While you wait for your patent application to be reviewed by the US Patent Office, you get legal “patent pending” status.

  • Live Team Monday-Friday

    Live Team Monday-Friday

    We are here live, Monday-Friday, by email, phone, or chat. Give us a ring, we’ll be happy to chat with you about the patent process or have a patent practitioner answer any legal questions.

  • Government Receipt

    Government Receipt

    You will receive an official receipt from the US Patent Office confirming acceptance of your patent application and showing your patent application number.

*$400 govt fee assumes you are classified as "micro entity" by USPTO. If you have filed more than 4 non-provisional patent apps in the past, or have an annual income of greater than $241,830, you may be classified as "small entity" or "large entity" which requires a $730 or $2,000 govt fee

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Should I request a patent search

Should I request a patent search?

It's the first step before a patent application! First, you learn how patentable your invention may be. If it's not very patentable, don't waste time and money on a patent app. Second, it may help you increase your patentability. By seeing what is similar, you can improve your invention around other existing invention and increase patentability.


Design vs. Utility Patents

A design patent protects how your invention looks
A utility patent protects how your invention works

To protect both how your invention looks and works, you will want to file both design and utility patent applications.

Protects the shape of the invention only.
Protects how the invention works.
Does not stop someone from making the invention if they make it with a different exterior shape.
Can stop someone from making the invention, regardless of the invention's shape.
Cannot explain how the invention works and how it is put together.
Must explain how the invention works and how it is put together.

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